Alma Payment Gateway Integration Solution

Alma Integration Solutions

We offer Alma payment gateway integration services for different e-commerce platforms and personalized e-commerce websites. You can hire our developers for the complete Alma payment gateway integration on PrestaShop, WooCommerce, Magento, Shopify, Sylius, and Salesforce commerce cloud. We have integrated Alma gateway in 100+ websites for France base clients

 Alma Integration

Benefits Of Alma Payment Gateway Integration

Know More About Alma
Payment Gateway

Alma offers a payment solution to e-merchants that allow customers to pay in installments, and you get full payment right away. Customers can pay in 6, 8, 10, or 12 installments that increase turnover by 20 percent. The conversion rate also upsurges with this flexible payment method.

+20% turnover

+60% average basket

100% payments
100% guaranteed payments

Why Alma Best For Ecommerce

Real-time Sales

Monitor Real-time Sales

After the successful installation of Alma API, you can immediately monitor real-time sales, purchases, and transactions.

Export CSV & XLS File

Export Accounting CSV or XLS File

You can export accounting monthly or day-to-day in CSV and XLS file format. You will get detailed data on sales and taxation.

Easy & Intuitive Refunds

Easy and Intuitive Refunds

You don't need to bother about the refunds. It will manage automatically, and you can easily handle and monitor the refunds.


Aggregate View of All Websites or Stores

No issue if you are running multiple e-commerce websites, you will get an aggregate view of all your online stores on a single screen.

Our Work Process

Why Buyers Love Websites Offer Alma

1 Split payment

Split payment option

Customers like to pay in installments. Alma offers a split payment option that allows buyers to pay in 2,3 or 4 installments. This feature increases the sales and revenue of your e-commerce store.

2 Easy & fast

Easy and fast

Fewer fields to fill out and an intuitive user interface to make an easy and fast purchasing experience. This feature provides a hassle-free shopping experience to the buyer anytime.

3 pay later

Buy now pay later

Allow your customers to buy now and pay after 15 or 30 days. E-commerce stores with such features have more sales as compare to their competitor. This feature will boost your sales at the end of the month.

We Offer Alma Payment Gateway
Integration Solutions

Easy & Intuitive Refunds

Integration via Module Installation

Our developers have the expertise to install and set up the Alma module on different e-commerce platforms. Alma offers a tailor-made module solution for the e-commerce platforms such as WooCommerce, Shopify, Magento, Prestashop, Salesforce commerce cloud, and Sylius. We have installed Alma on most of the mentioned e-commerce platforms.


Custom Integration via API

Our developers can integrate Alma API on your personalized e-commerce website through a custom integration solution offered by Alma. Only we need time to deploy it on your website successfully. We customize, design, and set up according to your business needs. Alma provides a custom integration solution for eCommerce websites that are not using such platforms.

Alma Payment Recent Works

Awards and Recognition

What Do Client Say
About Alma Payment

At Start Designs, fostering enduring and successful partnerships with our clients is at the core of what we do. We dedicate time to understand both the intricacies of your business and the individuals that power your brand. Embracing a collaborative approach, we pull out all the stops to narrate your story and bolster your business's growth.


Start Designs is truly upstanding and is behind its service 100%. Thanks for successfully integrating Alma on our online store.

Ethelin X

I would also like to say thank you to all your payment gateway solution. Without payment gateway integration, our e-commerce business would never get global exposure.

Giles U

I am so pleased with the payment gateway integration service by Start Designs. I'm good to go. Payment gateway is both fully functional and highly adaptable.

Sonya C

FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions

Does the seller get paid immediately if the customer pays later?


Yes, sellers get paid the complete amount straight away if customers choose the pay later option. In the case of a fault, Alma takes care of all.

Is Alma's payment solution available worldwide?


Alma's payment solution is only available to customers having cards issued by French banks and French mobile phone lines.

Does Alma offer test mode?


Yes, Alma provides a test environment that allows you to test end-to-end processes before going into production.

How do I install Alma on my online store?


You can store Alma within an hour if your website is on PrestaShop, Magento 1-2, WooCommerce, Shopify, and Sylius. Or hire developers to install it. If you have a personalized website then you can integrate it through API. Or you can hire an expert to complete the deployment.

Why should you hire a developer to integrate Alma?


If you hire a developer to integrate the Alma payment gateway then it will save your time. You will get a fully functional, and customized payment page that suits your website.

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