Sales Partners

Become a ShopDot sales
partner and help the brands
or retailers in your community
grow their business in new

Try for Free

Who should join the ShopDot Sales Partner Program?

Sales Reps

Industry Associations



How ShopDot Works

Partner with suppliers.

Retailers can discover new suppliers or invite existing ones to join ShopDot. Once connected, suppliers and retailers can start selling more together! We integrate seamlessly with supplier’s available inventory. 

It’s free for brands and retailers to sign up!

Make the sale, every time!

Retail partners will have direct visibility and access to supplier inventory and we easily facilitate orders without operational hassle or inventory risks. Allowing retailers to sell and engage customers in new ways.

Enjoy seamless drop-shipping.

Orders are routed to suppliers for easy shipping right to the customer. Plus we take care of payouts between retailers and suppliers.

Benefits of the Sales Partner Program

Commissions forever

Earn for signing up brands and retailers and earn commission - as long as the user remains subscribed!

Marketing assets

We provide you everything to promote ShopDot to brand suppliers or retailers.

VIP communications

Be the first to know of new products features and updates.


We can provide personal training on the platform so you feel comfortable promoting ShopDot.


Track how much money you make through a custom dashboard built just for you.


Receive payouts directly to your bank account each month.

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