For Retailers

Create unrivaled
customer experiences

We’re revolutionizing supplier-retailer partnerships to help you instantly meet customer demands and make the sale.

Enjoy seamless drop-shipping without complicated transactions. No more “wait, we’ll try to order it” and more “we can get that for you right now.”

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How ShopDot Works

Partner with suppliers.

Retailers can discover new suppliers or invite existing ones. Once connected, suppliers and retailers can start selling more together! We integrate seamlessly with supplier’s available inventory.

Make the sale, every time!

Retailers will have direct visibility and access to supplier inventory without operational hassle or inventory risks. Allowing retailers to sell and engage customers in new ways.

Enjoy seamless drop-shipping.

Orders are routed to suppliers for easy shipping to the store or directly to the customer. Plus we take care of payouts between retail partners and suppliers.

How it helps

Keep it agile, 

keep it fresh

ShopDot makes it easy to connect with the inventory and drop-shipping capabilities of a network of top selling suppliers, allowing retailers to try new products without operational hassle - plus we take care of payments and payouts.

Bridge the gap 
between online + offline

ShopDot connects your suppliers’ product content and inventory to your Shopify store so you can showcase and sell more products — no matter how and where your customers shop. We’ll route orders back to suppliers and will update shipping information.

Never miss a sale with 
Product on Demand™

Retailers lose nearly $1 trillion due to stock outs. When retailers don’t have a color, size, or sku on hand, shoppers leave disappointed — and everyone loses. Now, you can still make the sale, even when it’s not in stock. And everyone wins.
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